To awaken and not know who you are is a crushing feeling. Panic and hysteria override all other senses. Strangers approach and terror builds within your chest. You hope these strangers, with their white lab coats, will bring an ounce of reason back to your jumbled thoughts. Instead they bring needles and knives that puncture your skin, introducing new horrors for your brain to try to comprehend. This is the life Sentra is born into at the age of twenty-four. She is surrounded by people who only cause her agony and pay no mind to her mounting questions. Sentra cannot even find solace in her dreams, where she is haunted by memories from a woman who died long ago. If the pain and confusion wasn’t enough, Sentra’s body doesn’t seem to be entirely human and her detainers have far greater plans for her in a war she wants no part of. All Sentra knows for sure is that she wants out and she will do anything to gain her freedom.
My Review
Corina emailed me and asked me if I would review this book in Audible format. If you’ve seen my recent post, you’ll know I’m currently obsessed with Audible and my work schedule is such that honestly don’t have time to read and review print books right now. So I said yes but I admit I had misgivings. Often when the author messages me herself, the book is mediocre at best. But with Undying I was more than pleasantly surprised.
I’m usually more of a fantasy YA reader. Undying falls firmly in the sci fi category which is generally hit and miss for me and as the book started I had my doubts that I would stick with it. Because the book opens with Sentra waking, it doesn’t start with a pop of action. But I stuck through the first chapter (which included important information you need as the reader) and I was hooked.
Those of you who follow my reviews know that I will speed through a book I love. This was the case with Undying. Corina Bishop does a fantastic job of weaving an action filled adventure with enough twists and turns to keep you turning the page (or listening in my case). I was completely invest in Sentra’s story – would she be reunited with her family? Who could she trust? Did she have friends? What was her purpose? Would she be successful on her first mission? And would her spirit be broken?
A fast-paced novel with a protagonist who is utterly irresistible, I STRONGLY recommend you check out this novel.
Buylink: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1541017102
Audible (if you’re like me): https://www.audible.com/pd/Sci-Fi-Fantasy/Undying-Audiobook/B075M6ZFVK
Jacki Carton
I am not a sci-fi fan but this book is riveting. I also was not sure that I could stick with the story during the first chapter, but I was soon hooked. It is an amazing weave of a surreal environment along with relatable human emotions.