I’m taking a bit of a step away from book reviews here to add my review of the final film adaptation of The Hunger Games trilogy. As you may recall I am a HUGE Hunger Games fan. I think it is one of the best Dystopian novels out there. And one of my favourite things about the book series is that Suzanne Collins ends the series definitively with Book 3. Without giving away any spoilers, let me just say that the first time I read the entire series, I closed it with a smile and a feeling of contentment I rarely have when finishing a young adult trilogy.
So I was concerned when the announcement came that the third movie of the series would be broken down into two films. I was not a fan of what Peter Jackson did with The Hobbit (I am a huge fan of his LOTR adaptation, however). I was worried that Hollywood would ruin one of the greatest pieces of Collins’ trilogy: the ending.
So I went to the second film (on opening night) expecting to be disappointed. Instead I was blown away. The film was so true to the book (with a few minor deviations, that I could live with as it made sense as to why they were included). As with the three previous films I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the film. The acting is phenomenal with Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemworth, Julianne Moore and Donald Sutherland all giving stellar performances. They also did an excellent job of integrating the late Philip Seymour Hoffman into the film, without it seeming cheesy or awkward.
Overall I highly recommend seeing this installment of The Hunger Games film series in the theatres. I enjoyed it so much I may have to go see it again!