A Dystopian plotline that follows the life of Cassia Reyes, a sorter who has reached the age where she will be matched with her mate. The book opens with Cassia being matched with her best friend, Xander. But as she opens the file that outlines her match’s attributes a different face flashes onto the screen: Ky Markham.
As Cassia tries to make sense of what happened an official tells her that Ky’s face showing up was an error. And furthermore, she reveals that Ky can never be matched because he is an Aberration.
The rest of the book revolves around Cassia’s growing discontentment with her society’s rules and regulations (of which there are many). As more and more corruption in the system is revealed, Cassia also finds herself having to choose between her best friend, Xander, and Ky, the boy she is developing strong feelings for.
I enjoyed this story to a point. I really liked the character development and how Cassia grew from an obedient citizen to a rebel as the story progressed. I didn’t enjoy the love triangle theme of the book – as this was a significant theme in the novel. I find love triangles that dominate the main female character’s motives tend to weaken the story’s plotline for me as a reader. I would rather see the character develop on her own without romantic conflict.