Thirty-five girls came to the palace to compete in the Selection, and to win Prince Maxon’s heart. Now six girls remain, and the competition is fiercer than ever. But America Singer’s heart is torn. Is it Prince Maxon—and life as the queen—that she wants? Or is it still Aspen, her first love?
My Review
Book 2 in this series was not as I expected. I’ll try to write this review without any spoilers.
By the end of Book 1, I really was hooked on the series. Although it took me a while to like her, I really had fallen in love with America as a strong female protagonist by the end of the first book. I also had decided that she needed to be with Prince Maxon (I’m a romantic at heart). Aspen was in her past she didn’t need him around anymore.
But Aspen reappears in her life and in Book 2 we see that Prince Maxon isn’t as sweet as he appeared to be in Book 1. When one of her best friends is sent home and punished for falling in love with someone else, America begins to see the competition for what it is: a way to control the caste system.
Book 2 was far higher stakes than the first book. I was on the edge of my seat for most of the book, wondering what was going to happen to America, hoping she wouldn’t be sent home. The book ends on a cliffhanger. Now … I’m looking for Book 3. You need to read this series!
Check it out, buylink: https://www.amazon.ca/Elite-Kiera-Cass/