Bif Naked was born in secret to a teenager living in India, the product of a Canadian girl and a British boy. She was rejected by both families, hidden away in a mental hospital and adopted by missionaries and then moved to North America. She began what she recalls with ironic humor as a “charmed life.” Targeted by girl gangs and facing other abusive situations, she escaped this early life by joining a punk rock band and leaving on tour, where she married the drummer and hit a downward spiral that found her on the floor of a Vancouver drug den. Through it all, her creative personality and unstoppable humour were her weapons of self-defence. Bif showcased her life’s journey in tattoo ink across her body and, with her unique ability to transform her true life stories into song lyrics, she found her voice as a solo artist, started her own record company and at twenty-three years of age became an international recording artist. Throughout her remarkable career, armed with her singular talent and instantly identifiable look, Bif would captivate the imagination of audiences and media alike, releasing nine albums and twenty-one videos. She embarked on seemingly endless international tours, several feature films and multiple television roles, only to be struck down with breast cancer at the age of 37. Bif would discover her passion for advocacy, as a triumphant survivor and someone who helps others first. This is Bif Naked’s story so far . . .
My Review
The first time I really registered the name Bif Naked was in 2009. I was doing the Run for the Cure in Kelowna with my friends and colleagues from UBC’s Okanagan campus. It was two and a half years since my best friend and sister-in-law had died from breast cancer. I had helped my children write Auntie Nan on their “I’m Running For …” signs that were pinned to the back of our t-shirts. One of my colleague’s partners had written “Bif Naked” on her sign and it gave me a immense amount of joy to see that sign flapping in front of me before she ran out of sight (her pace was far faster than my own). I had no idea Bif was battling the disease but I sent a little prayer of wellness her way.
Now I lived in Vancouver for 21 years while Bif was very active in the music scene (1987-2008), so I knew who she was. I think it would be un-Canadian to not recognize her face and music. But that name on the Run for the Cure sign really made her a REAL person to me.
She resurfaced in my consciousness three years ago when my daughter, then 15 and in BC Children’s Hospital for a week long EEG, found the courage to start talking about her struggle with epilepsy. As she started her @Sandpapersmiles twitter account, Bif was one of the first people to follow Cait and even liked a couple of her Tweets from the hospital. I don’t know if Bif’s follow or Shred Kelly’s was more exciting for Cait.
So I knew I wanted to get my hands on Bif’s book when it came out. I ordered it as soon as it was available and was thrilled when it was delivered 2 days later (thank you Canada Post!). I was exceptionally surprised and delighted by this memoir.
I’ve read lots of Bif’s posts on social media and they are radiant, lyrical and poetic. I wasn’t sure I could handle an entire book written in that kind of style. But she didn’t do that at all. Instead she wrote with an honest, engaging voice that had me shushing those around me so I could keep reading. I love biographical work but rarely does it engage me like Bif Naked’s story did. I was in love with her writing.
I was hooked long before I got to her chapter that details her battle with breast cancer, which is an important part of her journey but not THE most important part of her journey. I don’t think I’ve read such a truthful and open account of anyone’s life. Not only does the spirit of Bif Naked shine through but even more deeply the sweet, caring spirit of Beth Hopkins radiates in her memoir. And the love and discretion she showers on those around her (she skillfully omits names of anyone who might be uncomfortable with a mention in her book … something I envy greatly as a co-author of a soon-to-be-released memoir).
When I finished reading this book, I really felt connected to Beth/Bif on a spiritual level. A deep happiness filled me that only is replicated by spending time with good, kindred spirits; girlfriends who you can have belly laughs with. This book is written by a generous, giving soul in a honest and loving manner. Bif Naked makes this planet a better place. If I could I would lend you my copy of the book but Cait has already disappeared into her room to devour it so you will just have to go and buy your own copy. You won’t be disappointed.