Tomorrow is release day for Finding Refuge, Book 2 of the Marked Ones! I’m so excited and I have a few fun tidbits to share with you.
First, I will be hosting a virtual release party on Facebook tomorrow (December 4th) evening from 6-9pm (PST). I’ll be giving away Amazon cards, copies of the books and there may even been a few special guests! You can join the party here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1488090841479470
Second, my awesome publishers, Ink Smith Publishing is offering some deals on the books (but only until December 18th – which is the last day you can order a print copy and get it in time for Christmas). If you order Finding Refuge, you can get a copy of Five Corners for only $8 (that’s half price!). Or if you order either book between now and December 18th, you can get 30% off your order! We will be having some Kindle sales, as well, so stay tuned for that.
Third, I will be part of a Goddess Fish Virtual Book Tour starting on December 8th and there will be at $50 Amazon Gift Card drawn from people who follow and comment on the tour. I will post links on my Facebook page, Twitter page and here once the tour starts.
So December brings lots of giveaways and prizes. Check back regularly for more excitement!