Week 2 of the release of Finding Refuge and there are still lots of fun things happening!
First, don’t forget to enter for a chance to win a $25 Gift Card to Amazon from last week’s tour. So check out the blogs that featured Finding Refuge last week and be sure to enter (you can find links to those blogs here).
Second, this week I’m taking part in a Goddess Fish Virtual Book Tour. Finding Refuge will be featured on a different book blog every day and YOU, my readers, will have a chance to win a $50 gift card from Amazon. Today’s stop is Elaine Cantrell’s blog: http://www.elainepcantrell.blogspot.ca/2014/12/finding-refuge.html
Finally, and this one’s really exciting, Reading and Things has put together this awesome event called 12 Days of Christmas, wherein 3-4 authors will be featured each day. I will be featured on December 12th and will host a one hour Facebook Takeover party starting a 9 pm on Friday! There will be Amazon gift cards to win and lots of fun. You can RSVP here (or just click through on Friday night and take part in the fun).