Today’s topic on the 12 Days of Christmas event by Readings and Things is reinventing a famous Christmas character. This is a tough task because, for a holiday geek like me, I love most of the stories that already exist! But if I had to rethink a Christmas tale, it Full Article
Holiday Spirit!
I love December and the holidays. For as long as I can remember I’ve been completely batty over Christmastime. So the question has been asked: What gets you in the holiday spirit? Because this time of year is so steeped in tradition for me, and because I was so lucky Full Article
Today is RELEASE DAY for Finding Refuge!

Well, it’s finally here! Release day for Book 2 of the The Marked Ones!! I’m completely blown away by the response so far to the books! There are a number of draws and giveaways happening throughout the day on various websites (I’ve listed them below). And if you don’t win, Full Article