On a whim I’ve entered the #ShortStoryChallenge2019. Short story is such a challenging genre for me and I’ve been saying for over a year that I’m going to take a stab at writing more short stories. But so far I’ve only produced one and I wasn’t entirely happy with the Full Article
Princeton Book Festival

I’m super excited to be part of the second annual Princeton Book Festival on Sept 15th. I’ll be leading a writing for young adults workshop in the afternoon and participating in an author’s panel in the evening. The panel will feature a reading from Surviving Logan. Registration is required for Full Article
Learning to Self-Evaluate
The most important trait to develop is in life is that of self-reflection. It’s also probably the one we most universally fail at. Humans tend to be complete off-base when we engage in self-examination. We are notoriously too hard on ourselves and just as often too easy. And while I Full Article