Thoughts on Adaptability of Writing

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This term I’m teaching a second-year Technical Communications course for Engineering students. Almost all of the students have either taken English 112 or APSC 176 (or a transfer credit equivalent to those courses). Both 176 and 112 focus on helping students write for academic situations: arguments, research papers, rhetorical analyses, Full Article

Happy New Year 2018

I’ve been terrible at keeping my blog up-to-date but I did want to write a post about my book reviews. I have read/listened to an inordinate number of books in the last six months. I have a two hour a day commute to work so that means lots of time Full Article

Falling Behind and Catching Up

I’ve read so many awesome books over the last few months. But life has been busy so writing reviews of them has not happened. Over the next week or so I will be posting a bunch of reviews so you can also check out these books! Stay tuned ..