Today’s topic on the 12 Days of Christmas event by Readings and Things is reinventing a famous Christmas character. This is a tough task because, for a holiday geek like me, I love most of the stories that already exist!
But if I had to rethink a Christmas tale, it would be the story of Jack Frost. I think one of the reasons I would pick Jack Frost is because I don’t know a lot about him. I remember as a little girl I had a book that had been my biological dad’s and it had a story about Jack Frost in it. This was an old, old book from when my father had been a little boy. To say his family didn’t have much money was an understatement so owning a book like this would have been a luxury. The book was practically falling apart when I got it.
I remember not liking the story of Jack Frost. Of all the tales in that tattered collection I disliked Jack Frost the most. And so that makes him … intriguing.
But I wouldn’t write a story about Jack per se. I think I would invent a friend of Jack’s. Perhaps a girl who had been his long suffering friend, someone who has stuck with him through thick and thin despite his frosty, frigid nature. Someone who knows he’s more bark than bite (although frostbite is a real issue they’ve had to deal with in their relationship).
Oh, now my creative juices are flowing. I think this might be a tale I actually pursue. Great another writing idea to pull me away from all my other writing projects.
What is your favourite holiday character and why?
Remember the 12 Days of Christmas event is still taking place. You can join the fun and giveaways at https://www.facebook.com/events/1505122686441402
And if you are looking for a great read this holiday season, consider my Marked Ones series. On sale until December 18th at Ink Smith!